Published 2021-01-13
- sustainable development,
- National sustainable development strategy,
- Sustainable Development Goals,
- comparative analysis,
- best practices,
- strategic planning system,
- strategic planning methodology ...More
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Komarov В, Voloshinskaya А. National Strategiesof Sustainable Development: Comparative Analysis. ECO [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 13 [cited 2024 Dec. 30];51(1):112-29. Available from:
We conducted a comparative analysis of the national sustainable development strategies (NSDS) of 20 countries to identify their common characteristics and best international practices. The research methodology included structural-content, value and process analyses. We have identified the key types of NSDS: presentation, navigation, classical and detailed. We found that the strategies under consideration have a strong value and emotional coloring, and the NSDS elaboration process is long and public, which allows consolidating society around the goals of sustainable development. The NSDSs set top-level goals, which are detailed in strategies of second and subsequent levels. In this way, strategies promote values of sustainable development and consolidate society around common goals, appeal directly to the civil society, and contain a clear and shared vision of long-term development. We found that the key importance is not so much the development of the NSDS as a single document, but rather the availability of a set of industry strategies, as well as plans for the second and subsequent levels of nesting, detailing the goals of the NSDS. These international experiences differ from typical Russian practices, so we propose to follow the recommendations of the 21st centuryAgenda in strategic planning.References
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