Vol. 50 No. 10 (2020)

The Mongolian Corridor: Problems and Prospects of Mongolian Transport Network Development

A. Makarov
Baikal Institute of Nature Using Management, SB RAS
E. Makarova
East Siberia State University of Technology and Management
A. Andreev
Baikal Institute of Nature Using Management, SB RAS

Published 2020-10-02


  • Mongolia,
  • Russia,
  • China,
  • international economic cooperation,
  • transport infrastructure,
  • railage,
  • economic corridor development
  • ...More

How to Cite

Makarov А, Makarova Е, Andreev А. The Mongolian Corridor: Problems and Prospects of Mongolian Transport Network Development. ECO [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 2 [cited 2024 Oct. 15];50(10):34-49. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4126


 The paper analyzes problematic issues of the transit-transport network development of Mongolia affecting the current policy of Russian-Mongolian cooperation in the area of railway transport. The authors discuss plans of forming railway corridors within the framework of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor Development Program.Particular attention is paid to analysis of dynamics, structure and routes of freight flows. It is concluded that the underdeveloped Mongolian transport infrastructure is a serious limitation to increase further exports. The initiatives of Russia and China in development of the railway network in Mongolia are examined. It turns out that they were not implemented due to government’s fears of an increasing role of neighboring countries in the Mongolian economy. It is shown that the Mongolian leadership, using transit rhetoric, continues to attract the maximum number of external partners to improve conditions for entering foreign markets and at the same time maintain its economic independence.Proposals to form a strategy for cooperation between Russia and Mongolia in the field of railway infrastructure development are made. Further participation of Russia in the Central Corridor development is considered as a key area of bilateral cooperation.


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