Vol. 50 No. 7 (2020)
Тема номера: "Выигрышный прикуп" - инвестиции, технологии, структурная политика

Russia’s Position in the Global Economy: Scenarios and Forecast

M. Gusev
IEF RAS, Moscow

Published 2020-07-02


  • international integration,
  • foreign trade,
  • foreign economic strategy,
  • protectionism,
  • long-term development,
  • structural and investment policy
  • ...More

How to Cite

Gusev М. Russia’s Position in the Global Economy: Scenarios and Forecast. ECO [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 2 [cited 2024 Sep. 5];50(7):29-43. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4067


The dependence of developed countries on import of industrial goods, the imbalance of foreign trade flows, environmental restrictions and high social stratification along with an unprecedented debt burden undermine the current model of globalization. Under these conditions, the relevance of building scenarios for global economy development and search for new strategies of integrating the Russian economy into global economy of alternative raw material specialization is growing. This paper is devoted to development of long-term scenarios for global economy and assessment of potential for economic growth in Russia under conditions of preserving the raw material specialization in international trade under various scenarios of global economy development. Advantages and disadvantages of separate strategies for integrating the Russian economy into global economy are considered.


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