Vol. 49 No. 6 (2019)

Improvement of Territorial Electric Power Policy in Monotowns of Russia

A. Gibadullin
State University of Management; National Research University “Moscow Energy Institute”; Moscow Institute of Technology,
V. Pulyaeva
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
E. Haritonova
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
N. Haritonova
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Published 2019-06-05


  • monotown,
  • electric power industry,
  • city-forming organization,
  • state support,
  • tariff

How to Cite

Gibadullin А, Pulyaeva В, Haritonova Е, Haritonova Н. Improvement of Territorial Electric Power Policy in Monotowns of Russia. ECO [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];49(6):164-81. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/3821


One of the peculiarities of Russia is a significant number of single-industry towns, many of which turned out to be extremely vulnerable in the situation of continuous economic reforms and crises. Deteriorating socio-economic situation and the popular living standards in single-industry settlements has always attracted the attention of the public, the scientific community, and the country’s leadership. There are federal and regional programs adopted and implemented to support such municipalities. Our analysis of the existing regulatory framework governing the status and additional funding of monotowns in the Russian Federation, as well as scientific publications on their problems, showed that development of electric power industry in these localities remains beyond the attention of both legislators and scientists. This fully applies even to energy single-industry towns, where generating stations are city-forming organizations. Assessment of the profile of energy companies in such cities showed that, in comparison with the industry average indicators, they are distinguished by a higher degree of depreciation of fixed assets and low financial results. It is not possible to overcome this lag without attracting additional investment. The authors propose a possible solution to this problem in redistribution of electricity tariffs in single-industry towns, increasing the share of funds attributable to generation. It is assumed that this mechanism should be implemented openly and publicly under state and municipal control. This will produce an additional stream of targeted funds, making it possible for power plants to upgrade equipment.


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