Vol. 49 No. 5 (2019)

Forest Complex of the Far East: is there Groundwork for Future Development?

N. Antonova
Economic Research Institute of the Far Eastern Branch RAS, Khabarovsk

Published 2019-05-12


  • forest complex,
  • Far East,
  • institutional factor,
  • factor of external demand,
  • prospect of development

How to Cite

Antonova Н. Forest Complex of the Far East: is there Groundwork for Future Development?. ECO [Internet]. 2019 May 12 [cited 2024 Jul. 28];49(5):27-4. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/3799


The article investigates the current state and development opportunities of the forest complex of the Far East as a possible industry of global specialization. Two essential factors are considered for their influence on the forest complex – the institutions and the external demand. It is demonstrated that public industrial support for development of high added value production is getting more restrained. As the region became the object of special attention from the federal center, regional support is generally provided to large businesses. It is revealed that external demand is ever more oriented to the Chinese market both in timber trade and investment participation. It is shown that the prospects of forest complex development in the Far East are connected with creation of a pulp and paper mill where institutional and external factors converge the most.


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