Vol. 49 No. 3 (2019)

Problems of Transformation of the Behavioral Model of Generation Z

E. Vasyutina
Russian State Social University
L. Matraeva
Russian State Social University
N. Korolykova
LARIUM Consulting, Moscow

Published 2019-03-01


  • theory of generations,
  • the economic model of behavior,
  • generation Z,
  • value settings,
  • transformational shifts

How to Cite

Vasyutina Е, Matraeva Л, Korolykova Н. Problems of Transformation of the Behavioral Model of Generation Z. ECO [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];49(3):135-4. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/1807


The article discusses features of formation and development of the modern generation from a point of view of theory of generations of Howe N. and Strauss W. The analysis is based on a large-scale sociological study conducted in 2016 by Sberbank of Russia that served to identify directions of transformational changes in the behavioral model as well as causes and consequences for development and effectiveness of government regulation in various sectors of economy. The authors evaluate key elements such as information processing, self-perception, value settings, frustrations, fears and expectations from the future generation Z, underlying problems that cannot be resolved in the current institutional environment of economic policy.


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