Published 2019-03-01
- the level and quality of life,
- regional economy,
- income differentiation,
- purchasing power,
- subsistence minimum
- average per capita incomes ...More
How to Cite
Dugarghapova Д. The Population’s Standards and Quality of Lives in the Republic of Buryatia. ECO [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];49(3):83-9. Available from:
The article presents a comparative analysis of socio-economic indicators of the level and quality of life in the Republic Buryatia. The differentiation of those in 2012–2016 is considered through the system of social standards. The author analyses changes in the population’s monetary incomes and singles out features of their use. The growth in average per capita incomes is combined with a slight reduction of income-disparity and high heterogeneity in the welfare of the population. The author notes that these negative trends and patterns in the incomes formation are due to low wages of certain categories of employees and high unemployment in Buryatia. This indicates the need to establish a stimulating regional policy, which would help develop various economic activities with a view to narrow the gap between individual incomes of different population groups.References
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