Vol. 49 No. 1 (2019)

Initiatives of Regional Machine-Building Complex Against the Background of Reindustrialization (on the Example of the Novosibirsk Region)

L. Lugacheva
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, SB RAS, Novosibirsk
M. Musatova
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, SB RAS, Novosibirsk

Published 2019-01-08


  • Sanctions,
  • export-oriented development,
  • innovation,
  • regional engineering,
  • diversification,
  • import substitution,
  • Novosibirsk region
  • ...More

How to Cite

Lugacheva Л, Musatova М. Initiatives of Regional Machine-Building Complex Against the Background of Reindustrialization (on the Example of the Novosibirsk Region). ECO [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];49(1):110-3. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/1753


The article deals with the development and adaptation problems of the regional machine-building complex of the Novosibirsk region. The differences of priorities of import substitution and export-oriented model of development are systematized; the necessity of domination of export-oriented strategy in modern conditions is shown; the factors influencing the formation of export potential of regional machine-building enterprises in recent years are revealed; the characteristics of regional institutions of support of exporters are given. In the work are also discussed measures to support the diversification of the regional production of machine-building complex implemented in the Novosibirsk region: the formation of the municipal order on civil products of the defense industry; the creation of centres for collective use of new technologies for the defence industry, oil and gas and other industries; the development of Technopark structures of industrial and industrial parks. As the priority directions of import substitution in the regional engineering the authors consider: the formation of clusters for the production of components for military and civilian equipment; development of processes of localization of production (creation of Assembly enterprises); production of new products at the traditional capacities of existing enterprises, interregional cooperation and integration, etc. 


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