Vol. 49 No. 1 (2019)

Arctic Supporting Zones: the Ranks and the Projects

T. Dmitrieva
Institute for Social-Economic and Energy Problems of the North (Federal Research Center – Komi Science Centre of the Ural Division of the RAS), Syktyvkar
O. Buryy
Institute for Social-Economic and Energy Problems of the North (Federal Research Center – Komi Science Centre of the Ural Division of the RAS), Syktyvkar

Published 2019-01-08


  • Spatial development,
  • supporting zone,
  • the Arctic,
  • rating score,
  • transport framework,
  • natural resources
  • ...More

How to Cite

Dmitrieva Т, Buryy О. Arctic Supporting Zones: the Ranks and the Projects. ECO [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 8 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];49(1):41-59. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/1749


The article examines some different definitions of the Arctic supporting zone in the national legislative instruments and names zones’ main features. They are: general and social functions – to develop communication and resource potential, to improve quality of life; organizational setting – “project of projects” on the “special territory”; economic model – government-private partnership; spatial structure – transport and industrial framework, consisting of mail lines, hubs and various centers; type – the level of natural resource development, the maturity of specialization, the center and periphery ratio, the specifics of financial mechanisms. The authors have made the first comparative-rating analysis of those zones. The Methodology includes choice of a municipality as an operating unit, calculation of zones’ indicators summation of municipal indicators, use of the Municipal Passports data, rating calculation for each indicator and average overall. The rating allowed determining the factors of strong zone differentiation, which affect the socio-economic development of the Arctic regions. The region’s proposals for the projects in zones are considered. The authors find important to analyze of the mechanisms for the implementation of anchor and other investment projects. 


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