Vol. 48 No. 12 (2018)

The New “May Decree” of the President: about the Regional Aspects of the Implementation

T. Ratykovskaya
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, SB RAS

Published 2018-12-03


  • Regional inequality,
  • spatial features,
  • budget sufficiency,
  • Siberia

How to Cite

Ratykovskaya Т. The New “May Decree” of the President: about the Regional Aspects of the Implementation. ECO [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];48(12):126-42. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/1719


The “May decree” (2018) of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 has become a policy document defining specific goals and objectives in the economy and social sphere for the next six years. The constituent entities of the Federation are tasked with synchronizing existing and new regional projects and programs in key areas of socio-economic development with this document. In this regard, the author considers the measures to improve inter-budgetary relations in the Russian Federation, which should contribute to the implementation of the tasks and smoothing regional inequalities. Based on the author’s scheme calculations are carried out and the interregional comparative analysis of a number of financial and budgetary indicators in a section of macro- regions of the Russian Federation (Federal districts) is executed. The pros and cons of such innovation in inter-budgetary relations as the model budget of the region are considered. Based on municipal districts the regional specificity of the territorial organization of local self-government is investigated. A comparative analysis of the structural characteristics of regional educational systems within some regions of the Russian Federation was carried. The need to more complete account of the spatial features of the socio-economic development of regions within the system of inter-budgetary relations was expressed.


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