Vol. 48 No. 11 (2018)

Coal Resources of Kuzbass as a Factor in the Choice of Industry Development Strategy

A. Kopytov
Academy of Mining Sciences, T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, SB RAS
S. Shaklein
Institute of Computational Technologies, SB RAS, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, SB RAS, Kemerovo

Published 2018-10-29


  • Kuzbass,
  • development strategy,
  • coal industry,
  • coal reserves,
  • mining technologies,
  • ecology,
  • licensing
  • ...More

How to Cite

Kopytov А, Shaklein С. Coal Resources of Kuzbass as a Factor in the Choice of Industry Development Strategy. ECO [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];48(11):76-83. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/1697


The authors show that the development of open-cast coal, primarily coking, mining is delimited by a horizon period of 20–30 years, and in order to increase production, it is necessary to develop new underground mining technologies, oriented towards the development of reserves, which are now considered low-tech. According to the authors, the coal mining development program should include an assessment of the “ecological coal-mining capacity” of the region a) according to the degree of influence of existing enterprises and b) the consequences arising after their abandonment (closure). In order to stimulate mineral developers to an innovative solution of technological and environmental problems, it is proposed to switch to preferential use of a competitive form of granting the right to use mineral resources in the region, with the inclusion of requirements for the development and implementation of new mining technologies in the competitive conditions.


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