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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper has not been published or submitted for evaluating and publishing to any other journal (or an explanation is given in the Comments for the editor). 
  • The paper file format is Microsoft Word, tables and figures - in Excel   
  • Whenever possible a URL is given for external links. 
  • Set up: 1.5 line spacing14ptitalics instead of an underline is used for highlighting (except for internet-addresses); all illustrations, graphs, diagrams, figures and tables are in appropriate places in the text rather than at the end of the document.  
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements specified in the Author Guidelines on the “About ECO” page.  

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be the result of original research by the authors, not published elsewhere in print or online and correspond to ECO subjectsnational economy, sector economics and regional economy, economics of scientific-and-technological policy, innovations, social development, foreign experience, economic history of Russia, reviews and papers relevant to the key subjects of upcoming issues (see the Announcements Section). 

Priority is given to texts demonstrating original approaches and highlighting particular practices or monitoring current situations as well as primary and up-to-date statistical data, substantiated forecastsA pronounced author position is expected. 

Texts longer than 10 pages (20,000 charactersshould be divided into logical sections. The text should contain a statement of problems, give a description of methods and procedures (in case of empirical studies), the main findings and conclusions.  

Reviews of conferences and other scientific events can be submitted no later than three months after the event. Such texts should include information about the conference organizers, the venue and dateNames and surnames of all mentioned participants should be given (in brackets – place of work and city, for international participants – country). 

ECO traditionally accepts essays or polemic, free-style sketches to be published in the “Point of View”, “Discussion” or “Reflections upon Reading” Sections.  

Paper length: no more than 1 author’s sheet (print unit) 40,000 characters with spacesincluding figures and tables. 

E-mail your papers in digital format to: Physically mailed letters shall not be considered. 

Submissions must contain the following structural elements: 

The title of the paper should strictly match its content.  

Information about all authors (affiliation): names, surname, patronymic (full, specifying the “ye” or “yo” letters), academic degree, academic status, position and place of work (full official name of an organization, no abbreviations or acronyms; if several places of work, give all of them), city, contact phone number, e-mail (for publishing in ECO), home and office addresses.  

An abstract, describing the main content and brief conclusions (for more information please see “Abstract Requirements); 

Key words (5-10 words or short word-combinations) on the subject, main content, concepts and terms of the paper; where practical, do not repeat the terms used in the title and abstract. 

The more specifically and accurately the paper title and key words define the paper subject, the more concisely and clearly the main ideas (results) as well as scholarly and practical importance of the work are presented in the abstract, the easier it is for the interested users to find your study online, via search engines and databases.  

For the English partall metadata - information about the authors, the title, abstract, key words and references should be given in English. (For more information please see “Abstract Requirements” and “English References). 

Technical requirements 

The text body should be in Word format (font - Times New Roman, 14pt, 1.5 line spacing), no more than 30 lines per pageAll pages must be numbered. Paragraphs should be indented (no interspacing or tabulation). 

Conceptual emphasizing is performed in semi-bold or italicsrather than with colors (can be lost when printing). Do not put text in boxes.  

References are given at the end of the paper (AttentionThe requirements have changed! (see “Bibliographic References and FootnotesList of Literature”, English References”)) 

Page footnotes must be done using standard Word tools. 

Do not: 

– Tabulate; 

– Hard return; 

– Highlight words by interspacing (use single space between words, characters); 

– Separate paragraphs with a blank line; 

– Use automated commands (inserting literature footnotes and notesmarking and numbering paragraphs, etc.); 

– Use macros, save texts as templates and “read-only” settings. 

Please proofread your texts carefullyNeglectful executiona lot of misprints, textual and conceptual iterations are reasons for rejecting a paper already at the first stage  

Tables and diagrams  

ECO's small format (А5) puts certain limits on the use of tables and figures: avoid sizeable figures and diagrams and keep their numbers at the necessary minimum. Whenever possible, please do not include complicated mathematical expressions and formulas in the text. 

Tables should be executed in Word table cells so that every table item has a separate cell (do not use a paragraph return to separate lines conceptually). 

Figures and charts should be drawn in Excel (in black and whiteand presented in a separate file, containing not only a graph or a diagram but also the source data. Avoid the use of raster flowcharts and diagrams. 

If graphs are created in a special program, save or export them in vector format (*.pdf, *.eps, *.ai, *.cdr). Graphic materials in *.tif, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.bmp formats are not accepted. 

Graphs, charts and diagrams should be in black and white. Do not use scanned graphics or materials from the Internet since their quality is inadequate for printing. 

Formulas should be set up in the MathType formula editor. 

All figures and tables should specify data sources. 


The purpose of an abstract (a brief summary by the authoris to serve as a source of information independent from the paper. Therefore, it should be: 

Extended (100-150 words in Russian including function words, 150-200 – in English, including grammatical articles); 

Informative –  clearly cover the main content of the paper and the contribution to a particular branch of learning; 

Well-structured – follow the logic of describing the findings, covering the range of problems, research methodology, findings and conclusions; 

Concise – free of generalitiesiterations and unimportant information.  

The English abstract should not be a word-for-word translation from RussianTo avoid any distortions of meaning, do not use machine translation systems.  

Bibliographical References and Footnotes  

The authors must specify sources of quotations, statistical data and other information used in the paper and abbreviations must be defined (explained).  

The main list of literature is a mandatory requirement for submissions; it should comprise only those works by Russian as well as foreign authors that were used for the research.  

Authors are encouraged to work with the latest sources of information (appeared within the past two years). No more than 10% self citation of the author’s work published in other sources is allowed. 

Footnotes should be in page footers.  

Information about the funding sources is given in a footnote on the first page without numeration. Only an abridged name of a foundation (or a programmeand a grant number (without its title) are published. 

Acknowledgments if necessary are put in a footnote on the first page in a grant note or in the final part of the paper.  

Citing References

References to regulations, newspaper articles, web-pages, publications of Russian Federal State Statistics Service [Rosstat], materials of information agencies are given in per-page footnotes, specifying the access date. 

The list of literature should contain only research papers (printed or electronic versions; the latter should be avoided if a print analogue exists), as well as publications in respected business papers ("Kommersant", "Vedomisti", "Rossiiskaya Gazeta", etc.). 

Referring to a source in the text, the author’s name, the year of publication and page should be put in brackets when quotingIn case of more than two authors, the first one is given followed by “et al.” If there are no authors (a multi-author monograph, a collection of research papers, etc.), the title should be given, and if the title is lengthy, the first 1-2 words must be provided followed by an ellipsis and the year of publication. 

The list of literature references is given at the end of the paper in alphabetic order without numerationReferences in Russian are put first followed by works in foreign languages.  

Important! References are arranged according to international standards, which are different from the Russian State Standards (GOST) (for example, “//” cannot be recognized by foreign systems and the impression is ultimately distorted. From the same considerations, using italics to indicate sources is essential. 

Source description in References comprises the following elements: 

AuthorsList all authors separated by commastransliterate names and initials.  

Put the year of publication after the surname in parentheses; if several works are dated the same yearspecify: 2007a, 2007b. 

Titles of works are transliterated in upright type. Journal titles are transliterated and highlighted in italicsfollowed by the title in English in square brackets (italics). Check that the English title matches the original title of the publication (as given on its website). If a source is a paper in a collection of papers or a monograph, put “In:” instead of “//. 

Imprintscity (in English, e.g., Moscow), the publishing house (transliteration adding the abbreviation - Publ.) 

For journalsvolume, issue, number.   

Length – the total number of pages (monographs), for papers - spread (“from – to”). 

The date of accessing electronic publication sources is given in English in parentheses (accessed 12.12.16). 

Specify the language for sources in Russian (In Russ.). 

DOI is necessary if available. 

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addressesentered on the ECO websitewill be used exclusively for the purposes specified by ECO and will not be used for any other goals or given to third persons or entities.