About the Journal

Focus and Scope

ECO's Goals: Disseminating economic knowledge across broad circles of present and future managers and specialists. Highlighting and discussing the findings of economic and sociological studies, and the best managerial practices. Searching the way out of “economic deadlocks” together with our authors and readership.

ECO's rationale is to support public discussions on the most pressing issues of developing the economy and society, focusing primarily on applied economic and sociological studies that contribute to solving the issues of sustainable development of Russia and its regions.

The ECO target audience comprises economists, financiers and managers, academic researchers, university lecturers and post-graduate students as well as officers of the authorities at all levels, top-executives and specialists from various industries, and everybody interested in economic and social aspects of societal development and performance.

Peer Review Process

Decisions whether submissions conform to ECO's area of specialization, concept and subjects is the prerogative of the Editorial team and Board. The editorship does not discuss rejected submissions with their authors.

Paper-selection includes several stages.

First, a manuscript is registered and undergoes primary evaluation in terms of fitting ECO's formal and qualitative requirements among which are: ECO specialization, concept and subject, topicality, clear and logical presentation in literary Russian language. Papers that do not meet the requirements are rejected and the authors are notified by the editors.

Other grounds for rejection at the first stage can include careless execution (a lot of misprints, textual and conceptual iterations), a high rate of borrowings marked by the “Anti-plagiarism” [Antiplagiat] system.

At the second stage, the paper accepted for consideration is forwarded to experts specializing in the subject of the reviewed materials, for an independent evaluation. The expert panel may comprise members of the Editorial Board as well as external reviewers. Our editors adhere to a double-blind reviewing policy.

Experts evaluate manuscripts based on the following criteria:

•             Problem statement, its topicality in terms of solving research challenges and practical application

•             Originality, independence, interesting and/or debating approaches

•             Valid and plausible data and argumentation

•             The literary quality of the text, precise and laconic expressions, elegant and logical argumentations.

Based on the outcome of the peer-review process, papers may be accepted for publication, sent back to the authors for refinement or rejected. Authors are notified about the peer-review results via e-mail.

In case of any disputes (disagreements in the opinions of the editorial staff and the reviewer(s)), the possibility of publishing the paper in question is discussed by the Editorial Board and final approval is made by the Editor-in-Chief.

The decision to accept a paper for publication is made within two months after a manuscript is registered by the editorial staff.

At the third stage, the accepted paper is prepared for publication. It involves editorial staff who control whether the reviewers’ comments are taken into account, perform literary editing and make sure that the text meets ECO standards. Any editorial amendments are always coordinated with the authors.

The final decision on the publication date is made in the regular course of compiling the structure and content of the upcoming issues. Materials for the current issue are selected based on the editorial plans.

Being a VAK approved publication does not obligate ECO to give priority to papers submitted by degree-seekers.

The publishing ethics are understood as a set of rules to build up the relationship of the editorial staff among each other and with members of the Editorial Board, authors and reviewers. Interaction between the parties is based on the law of the Russian Federation and the international ethical standards for scientific publications recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Code of Scientific Publications’ Ethics and the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI) – the "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications”.

ECO Journal

The all-Russian (formerly all-Soviet) ECO Journal is a general economics publication, intended for both academic researchers and practitioners. It has been in publication since 1970 in Novosibirsk, Russia.

Since the outset, ECO endeavors to follow the principles laid down by its founder, an Academy Fellow Abel Aganbeguyan: discussing the most complex and painful problems of the economy and business behaviour, analyzing modern development trends for Russia, its regions and particular sectors and industries.

ECO's signature feature is a unique combination of a rigid science-based approach to the content and a journalistic style of publications (topical issues, an emphasis on particular problems, pronounced authors’ position, analysis of particular cases and issues in the context of national and global trends, elegant yet simple presentation for easy perception by the broader public).

ECO is recognized as an approved publication by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK), it is peer-reviewed by the National Institute of Scientific and Research Information (VINITI) and in 2015 was included in the RSCI Web of Science database. Selected materials are published in topical collections of renowned international companies such as EBSCO Group, Taylor & Francis Publishing Group, and EastView Information Services. Enjoying the best reputation in the academic environment, the Journal is also well known to practicing managers and manufacturers.

In 2010 ECO adopted the project principle: each issue must include 3-5 papers devoted to the same topic. Such an approach enables profound consideration of the issue at hand from different perspectives.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch

Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS

Novosibirsk State University 

ANO Editorial Office of ECO Journal

Ethics of Scientific Publications

Accepted Principles of Publication Ethics:

The parties interact on the principles of fairness, objectivity, honesty, transparency and politeness.

Information openness is observed: the Journal website has provisions for publication ethics and peer-reviewing, a clearly formulated Journal Policy, manuscript submission rules, Author Guidelines and information about material accessibility, it specifies the ISSN and the publishing house address.

The authors must:

Bear responsibility for novelty, credibility and originality of their research findings, and avoid knowingly wrong and fabricated statements.

Guarantee that the paper is offered for publication for the first time and has not been submitted to any other journal.

Submit only original works to the editorship. Check that all quoted or mentioned works of other authors as well as the works that had a considerable impact upon the study are clearly referenced.

All forms of plagiarism are unacceptable. The editors perform a mandatory check of all manuscripts through the “Anti-plagiarism” system.

The list of authors (co-authors) must only include those persons who contributed significantly to the concept, design, execution or interpretation of the research project in question.

Do not include persons not involved in the study in the list of authors. If any particular person contributed significantly to any part of the project, an acknowledgment must be made or this person should be added to the list of authors.

Disclose all sources of financial support of the project and indicate any conflicts of interest that can be interpreted as affecting the outcome of study evaluation. 

Noticing any significant error or inaccuracy in the work submitted for publication, the authors must notify the editors and collaborate with them to correct or withdraw the publication. If the editors are informed about an error by a third party, the author must withdraw their work or correct the errors.

Defamation and abusive comments regarding other authors and publications are unacceptable.

The author, who communicates in writing about a publication, is responsible for listing all co-authors and making sure that all co-authors see and approve the final version of the paper and agree to submit it to ECO for publishing. 

ECO editorial staff must:

Respect authors and their efforts, endeavor to take a close look at their conception, support scientific enquiry.

Use only a well-mannered tone when contacting the authors.

Refrain from giving any preferences to authors on the grounds not related to the research level of the work.

Coordinate the final version of the paper with the authors after making editorial amendments.

Refrain from publishing works that contain plagiarism, are of no scientific or practical value, do not conform to ECO's specialization or the editorial policy.

Engage objective and competent reviewers in manuscript peer-review, rotating them if necessary.

Under no circumstances infringe the authors’ rights and interests as well as the confidentiality principle in editing, i.e. the texts of papers will not be passed onto third parties without the authors’ consent, except for reviewers and editorial staff, and the materials will not be used for personal purposes.

Prevent situations and incidents of improper conduct of authors, reviewers and parties involved in editing and publishing scientific texts; if necessary withdraw mala fide publications from the research space, cooperate with the Ethics Council and scientific associations on the matter. 

In case of a conflict, take all necessary measures to restore the infringed rights.

Expose any detection of plagiarism, deception and other facts of unacceptable conduct and in breaching the editorial ethics in the course of publishing scientific papers, ECO editorship is entitled to:

•                                                            Refuse to publish the submitted manuscript

•                                                            Ban publication for a particular period of time

•                                                            If a breach of the ethical standards was exposed after a paper has been published, withdraw the paper from Elibrary.ru, Cyberleninka.ru (retract).

Reviewers must:

Give objective and substantiated evaluation of the presented research findings.

Inform the editorial staff about insufficient competence to evaluate a manuscript and any circumstances preventing such an evaluation (conflicts of interests).

Strictly observe the authors’ right for non-disclosure prior to publishing information included in a paper, abstain from using unpublished data (ideas) from the manuscripts for personal benefits and not expose the papers to third persons.

Draw attention of the editorial staff to any significant similarities or matching between the manuscript in question and other, already published works.

Undertake all possible efforts to address the controversial issue in accordance with the law if an ethical complaint is filed or a conflict is exposed with regard to a submitted manuscript or a published paper.

Exercise their discretion to make decisions to publish works, taking into consideration the opinions of reviewers, and guided by the policy of the editorial team and the Editorial Board, as well as acting in accordance with the law in terms of legitimacy, copyright, plagiarism and defamation.

Content Access Type

Subscription-based, delayed open-access.

The content of each new issue becomes available for public access online 18 months after original publication of the issue.

When citing or reprinting materials published in ECO, including online reprints, references to ECO are mandatory.


Journal History

ECO was founded in 1970 in the Academic town of Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok) by Academy Fellow Abel Aganbegyan. Initially it was named after the research institute that published the Journal:  “ECOnomics and Industrial Engineering”. Today few people remember it because it quickly outgrew the purely “production” field and began covering everything that concerned economists and managers in Russia. In ECO one could find articles summarizing the findings of in-depth academic studies and philosophical-and-economic essays; works of intellectual analysts as well as revelations from CEOs wishing to share their experiences and problems with colleagues.

In the 1980-1990s, when any printed economic information was dosed through ideological filters, ECO became a unique platform where scholars and practitioners were able to communicate on equal terms. It made ECO an “iconic” journal not only among industrialists and managers, for the first time facing the realities of market economy in their operations, but also in the midst of advanced college students who had a vivid interest in the new trends of the economy and business. According to one reader, ECO was “a spot of freedom, liberal economic atmosphere, and civic spirit” for them.

A lot has changed since then: Russia, its economy and social patterns. ECO has also changed; there are new sections, the range of authors has expanded, and so forth. What has never changed though is the ECO aspiration to keep abreast of the current economic field, the trust of its Editorial Board in the significance of knowledge for searching answers to the uneasy questions continually thrown in by the life around us, fair and unbiased discussions on the most complex and painful problems of the economy and society, involvement and keen interest in Russia, its flourishing economy and the well-being of its population.