Economic journal, economic science and economic life (Reflections on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of ‘ECO’)
Published 2021-01-13
- scientific journal,
- academic science,
- history of the USSR,
- history of economic thought,
- Sovietology
- economic measurements ...More
How to Cite
Fomin Д. Economic journal, economic science and economic life (Reflections on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of ‘ECO’). ECO [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 13 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];51(1):170-82. Available from:
According to, I have published 21 articles in ECO since 2006. In addition, I was a member of its editorial board for quite a long time. These are not the most outstanding achievements. However, the experiences of being both an author and editorial board member, I suppose, allow me to formulate ideas about ECO’s role in the modern economic science, life, and how to raise its significance and influence.References
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